Parking outside Himbleton School

New parking restrictions are being set out this week for Himbleton school.

Please see map advising of changes.


South Worcestershire Development Plan Review – Examination Arrangements

Further to comments submitted in respect of the South Worcestershire Development Plan Review, I email to inform you that the Secretary of State has appointed Planning Inspectors Philip Lewis MA MRTPI and Elaine Worthington MTP MUED MRTPI IHBC to conduct an Examination into the soundness and legal compliance of the Plan.

I will act as Programme Officer for the Examination and will be responsible for assisting the Inspectors with the administrative and procedural aspects of the Examination process. I am not an Officer of the Local Planning Authorities and have not been involved in the preparation of the Plan. I will be your primary point of contact for any queries you may have throughout the Examination process.

Hearing Sessions will commence at 09.30am on Tuesday 4th March 2025 within the Worcester Guildhall, High Street, Worcester, WR1 2EY. 

Guidance Notes have been prepared by the Inspectors to explain many of the procedural and administrative aspects of the process. The Inspectors’ Matters, Issues and Questions provide the framework for any further written submissions you may wish to make and provide the foundation for discussions during the hearing sessions. The draft Hearing Programme sets out the schedule for the Hearing sessions.

An Examination Website has been established and will be regularly updated throughout the process.

As a respondent, you have three options available to you in relation to the Examination:

1. If you are content to rely on your original comments, do not intend to provide any further written comments or participate in the hearing sessions, there is no need for you to do anything further.

2. You are welcome to submit further comments in response to the questions the Inspectors have identified where they are relevant to your objections. The deadline for submission of Hearing Statements is11 February 2025.

3. If you wish to participate in any of the Hearing Sessions, please let me know by 31 January 2025. Representors requesting to participate in the hearing sessions are also welcome to supply Hearing Statements should they wish to do so, in accordance with the guidance and deadline.

Parish Councillor Vacancy – Oddingley Ward

Grouped Parish of Saleway – Oddingley ward casual vacancy


Total Attachments: 1

Download: Grouped Parish of Saleway - Oddingley ward casual vacancy (173 KB)

Forestry Work Trench Wood

Trench Forestry 2024

Chairman Steve Rendle

It is with great sadness that Saleway Parish Council notifies its parishioners that one of our longstanding members, Mr Steven Rendle, has handed in his resignation.

Everyone on the council wishes to express their great thanks to Steve for all that he has done for the parish, and send him our best wishes for the future and the time he will now get t spend with family and friends.

A casual vacancy notice will now be posted on Wychavon District Council’s website and we will await any further news.

In the interim Vice-Chairman Andrew Knight will step-up into the Chairman’s role. Any urgent queries or correspondence should continue to be directed to the Parish Clerk, Kath Holmes.

Home Upgrade Grant scheme (HUGs)

The Home Upgrade Grant scheme (HUGs) is designed to tackle colder homes that do not have mains gas central heating. Homeowners and tenants in Worcestershire could benefit from a variety of measures to help reduce energy bills including: internal and external wall insulation, loft and cavity wall insulation, air source heat pumps, solar panels, draught proofing and many more.

Worcestershire County Council is working in partnership with Redditch Borough and Bromsgrove, Malvern Hills and Wychavon District Councils and Act on Energy to deliver this programme.

Worcester City Council and Wyre Forest District Council are administering their own HUG2 scheme and information can be found on their websites.

To qualify, households must not use mains gas to heat their home, have a gross annual income of less than £31,000 with a current Home Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D to G.

Funding is also available for landlords in the charity and private rented sector.

Those who qualify for the scheme will undergo a free technical survey to determine the most suitable energy efficiency measures.

For more information, including full eligibility, and to register your interest  OR  contact your local energy charity Act on Energy on their free advice line 0800 988 2881

All projects must be completed by March 2025.


Total Attachments: 1

Download: Flyer (2 MB)

2024 Parish Council meeting dates

The Parish Council meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every other month, unless otherwise notified.

2024 dates are

20th March 7.30pm

15th May 7.30pm

17th July 7.30pm

18th September 7.30pm

28th November 7.30pm

A consultation on draft recommendations​ for division boundaries in Worcestershire has begun ​

Draft recommendations for new divisions, division boundaries, and division names for Worcestershire County Council have recently been published.

They are now inviting comments on those recommendations.

The consultation closes on 18 March 2024

You can take part in the consultation by clicking through to the website, which includes further information about the Commission and the review.

They encourage everyone who has a view on the draft recommendations to contact them, whether you support them or whether you wish to propose alternative arrangements.

They will consider every representation received during consultation, whether it is submitted by an individual, a local group or an organisation.

They will weigh each submission against the legal criteria which they must follow when drawing up electoral arrangements:

  • to deliver electoral equality: where each councillor represents roughly the same number of electors as others across the county;
  • that the pattern of divisions should, as far as possible, reflect the interests and identities of local communities;
  • that the electoral arrangements should provide for effective and convenient local government.

It is important that you take account of the criteria if you are suggesting an alternative pattern of divisions.

If you wish to put forward a view, they would also urge you to ensure that evidence supports your submission.

Public Consultation on H&W Fire & Rescue Services

Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service (HWFRS) would like to let you know that the Service have launched a public consultation exercise on the Service’s Resource Review proposals.  The Service would like to encourage individuals and organisations to share their views on the proposals which we have set out in a Resource Review Consultation Document along with an accompanying Data Pack and short questionnaire.  The consultation closes on 4th March 2024 and results and recommendations will be reported to the Fire Authority in June later this year.

The Resource Review examines the arrangement of operational response resources and considers how this can be improved. This Resource Review aims to ensure that HWFRS is making best use of its available resources, funding, and to assure the Fire Authority, stakeholders and the community that it is providing the most effective service possible across Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

Please note there is no proposal to close any of the Services 25 fire stations or reduce the crewing or emergency cover of the first fire engine, at any of the 25 locations. The introduction of the proposals in this Review would provide a more effective and efficient use of its resources and all the resources realised as part of the proposals will be reinvested in front line fire engine staff.

You can read more about the proposals in the Resource Review Consultation Document which is available on the Service website. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) document will also be available through the website.

To help to gather views, we have engaged an independent research company, Opinion Research Services (ORS) to carry out the consultation for us. They have prepared a separate online questionnaire document, which should only take about 10 minutes to complete. You can access the questionnaire here.

During the consultation, ORS will also meet with a cross-section of residents and stakeholders to discuss the proposals in more detail.

We’d like to encourage your organisation to consider the proposals and respond to the consultation. Please feel free to share the consultation with your wider community to help to ensure we get a good cross-section of views to consider.

If you have any questions, would like any further information or to arrange some time to discuss in more detail, please contact us directly using our email address.