Nigel Huddleston contact details

Local MP contact details

Nigel Huddleston is the local MP for the Saleway parish.

This poster proves his contact details as the local Member of Parliament which explains how constituents may get in touch with him with any concerns that as the MP he may be able to help with.


Total Attachments: 1

Download: Nigel Huddleston contact details (83 KB)

Nigel Huddleston contact details

Results of survey – new village hall for Saleway Parish

Following the news in late 2021 that Wychavon Council had a legacy grant fund application process, it was considered that a new village hall in Himbleton for the wider Saleway Parish, was something that could be considered.
There was limited time available prior to submitting the application so the Council took the decision to complete a brief survey to get an idea on local resident’s views.
The Council appreciated that this is not a detailed response and further work would be undertaken to complete a more robust plan, if the application was to go ahead.
Unfortunately the deadline passed for the fund applications so nothing further has been progressed at this time.
However there is potentially new grant funding available therefore the Council will be reviewing the project again soon. If anyone would like to be involved, please get in touch –


Total Attachments: 1

Download: Survey Results (171 KB)

Next Parish Council meeting – date amended

For those members of the public wishing to attend the next meeting, the date has been changed.

The meeting will now take place on Wednesday 8th March at 7.30pm.

Agenda will be published 1 week prior.

Next Meeting

The next Saleway Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 19th January 2022 at 7.30pm.