South Worcestershire Development Plan Review – Examination Arrangements

Further to comments submitted in respect of the South Worcestershire Development Plan Review, I email to inform you that the Secretary of State has appointed Planning Inspectors Philip Lewis MA MRTPI and Elaine Worthington MTP MUED MRTPI IHBC to conduct an Examination into the soundness and legal compliance of the Plan.

I will act as Programme Officer for the Examination and will be responsible for assisting the Inspectors with the administrative and procedural aspects of the Examination process. I am not an Officer of the Local Planning Authorities and have not been involved in the preparation of the Plan. I will be your primary point of contact for any queries you may have throughout the Examination process.

Hearing Sessions will commence at 09.30am on Tuesday 4th March 2025 within the Worcester Guildhall, High Street, Worcester, WR1 2EY. 

Guidance Notes have been prepared by the Inspectors to explain many of the procedural and administrative aspects of the process. The Inspectors’ Matters, Issues and Questions provide the framework for any further written submissions you may wish to make and provide the foundation for discussions during the hearing sessions. The draft Hearing Programme sets out the schedule for the Hearing sessions.

An Examination Website has been established and will be regularly updated throughout the process.

As a respondent, you have three options available to you in relation to the Examination:

1. If you are content to rely on your original comments, do not intend to provide any further written comments or participate in the hearing sessions, there is no need for you to do anything further.

2. You are welcome to submit further comments in response to the questions the Inspectors have identified where they are relevant to your objections. The deadline for submission of Hearing Statements is11 February 2025.

3. If you wish to participate in any of the Hearing Sessions, please let me know by 31 January 2025. Representors requesting to participate in the hearing sessions are also welcome to supply Hearing Statements should they wish to do so, in accordance with the guidance and deadline.