Wychavon District Council small grants for active parishes

The small grants are available in helping to get your parish more active. Grants between £100 and £500 are available.

Grants will be for new activities, for example – older people yoga, keep fit classes, set up a walking group, activity at a school (out of curriculum time), additional sports club sessions e.g. targeting a new age group.

Who can apply?

• Sports clubs

• Voluntary/community groups

• Parish councils

• Schools

How to apply?

Fill in the online application form

CLICK HERE to download grant application form

or request a form by contacting:

Tracy Grubb tracy.grubb@wychavon.gov.uk 01386 565168 or

Mark Williams mark.williams@wychavon.gov.uk 01386 565 229

The closing date for applications is 30th August 2019

CLICK HERE for Small grants for active parishes Leaflet